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ISO Compliance & ISOcomplyonline

Many businesses may be in a supply chain which is requiring it’s
members to obtain accreditation to ISO standards such as Occupational Safety and Health (ISO 18001), Environmental (ISO 14001) and Quality (ISO 9001).

Northern Star Risk Management can help you on your way to
ISO accreditation by providing the following services:

  • A Gap analysis which identifies any shortfalls between your
    systems and where the ISO management standards require
    you to be
  • Assistance from our consultants to help you develop your
    systems to the standard required for accreditation


Central to satisfying the demands of Tender Enquiries, Pre Qualifications (PQQs) and Request for Information (RFIs) will be your company’s ability
to demonstrate sound systems for the management of Health & Safety, Quality and the Environment. IT MAY BE A CENTRAL FACTOR IN WINNING THE BUSINESS.

This will also be the case for successfully completing Sector driven initiatives such as CHAS, Verify, Building Confidence, Link Up and

Northern Star has produced an integrated management solution, configured specifically to your company’s needs and business processes. Our innovative solution can be provided for each or all of the main elements of Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality management.

One of our team of consultants will implement the system for you and where requested you will be provided with a 24-hour service support centre and direct access to our professional consultants at preferential rates.

Stop Press: Northern Star launches its Business Continuity System in January 2010. Aligned directly to the Business Continuity Standard: BS 25999 it will provide your company with the ideal strategy map to safeguard your company from major Business Interruptions.


Northern Star Risk Management Ltd
Fourth Milestone Farm
Malton Road
YO32 9TL

T: 07545 642660